a photo of me an arrow pointing to me saying me

This page is a few words about what I do in my free time.

I grew up in Manhattan, Kansas, but I speak Russian with my family. I also have been learning French for a few years now. I'm not fluent, but I can keep up a conversation in French. In general, I love talking about languages and their intricacies.

Thanks to my family, I'm pretty big on hiking and camping. I try to plan a backpacking trip any time I get the chance. Also, I love snow, so climbing mountains in the summer helps me satisfy my desire to see it.

a photo of me on a hike

I do a lot of social dance. Primarily, this is Argentine tango, but I also enjoy waltz, west coast swing, and really anything else.

I like to draw and recently I've picked up crafts like sewing, bookbinding, and crocheting. I'm best at pencil sketches (see this example) and cartoons. My papers, projects, and homeworks always contain plenty of cartoons of a very specific style. Instead of stick figures, I draw people with nonzero thickness. This allows for more emotion. One of my close friends said I should "coin this style", whatever that means.

my cartoon style version of the drake meme

I also know web development basics. I am pretty comfortable using the Flask framework to make a website. One of my favorite hobby projects has been making a website for Don't Say Pineapple (DSP), a social game where you try to make your friends say a word over the course of several days. I learned how to make a secure login system and database from that. [Note: Currently, it is down as I am changing the hosting service]

There are things like tennis, or cooking that I wish I was good at, but haven't mentioned above. I enjoy most things, so if you're someone who I'll see in person, please introduce me to your hobbies—I'll probably like them.